Gifts and talents

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: Gifts and talents are different, talents are innate abilities we are born with, while gifts are given by the Holy Spirit when we surrender to God. It's not a magic act, it takes a process of spiritual growth and communion with God. We must ask God to show us our true talents and gifts. God gives gifts for His purpose and will and they should be used for His glory. We must undergo training and learn to listen to God and those who transmit knowledge. We must decide to be good faithful servants and not hide our light under a drawer, but shine and be a blessing for how much life God puts on our path. We are only administrators of the light, not the ones who generate it.

Gifts and talents, both blessings from God that although they are sometimes seen as the same thing, really differ in that talents are innate abilities, we are born with them and we develop them through life or not; However, the gifts are a gift of the Holy Spirit of God, when we surrender to Him, He gives us extraordinary abilities to work in his work, to be able to serve him.

But is this an act of magic that happens when we accept Christ as the only Savior of our lives?

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