For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: The Lord's Prayer asks for everything humans need, which only God can grant. The power does not reside in Satan and his demons. The final place of appeal is at the throne of God. The triumphant affirmation of Jesus at the end of the prayer declares that everything asked for can be granted by God. Christ came to defeat evil and set the hosts of Satan to flee. The kingdom, power, and glory belong to God, which is a projectile of war against the hosts of hell and death. We serve an Almighty Sovereign.

Everything that the Lord's Prayer asks for is founded on a fundamental principle: Only God has the power to grant all the things that human beings need for their well-being. In God resides all the good of the world. He is the only hope for humanity. Ultimately, the power does not reside in Satan and his demons who only know how to kill, steal and destroy.

The last word in the world is not death, or violence, or the exploitative and oppressive power of unjust men. The Supreme Court of the universe, the final place of appeal, is at the throne of God, seat of all power and authority. A word from the Lord of lords, and all the demons of hell must flee in defeat, prevented from weaving their evil web of hunger, sin, hatred, resentment, and wickedness — all of which the Lord's Prayer asks that we be freed.

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