Flowing in the river of God
Doug TunneyRESUMEN:
The river in Ezekiel 47 represents the Holy Spirit flowing through our lives as we give ourselves to Jesus. The river starts ankle deep, but as we obey Him, it rises up to our knees and beyond. However, we can become like a swamp, where the water flows in but has no outlet, causing stagnation and a bad smell. We must obey God and step out in faith to experience the adventures and ministry He has for us. The speaker shares a personal story of ministering to prostitutes in Frankfurt, Germany, and how God gave him the strategy to reach them. He encourages the audience to ask themselves what they have done for Jesus and to step out in faith to reach the lost.
The speaker shares his personal story of how he became a Christian and how he has traveled to 45 countries to spread the Gospel. He encourages the audience to obey God's command to be fishers of men and to share the Gospel with others. He offers tools and resources to help with evangelism, including evangelistic DVDs, phone apps, and Bible translations in different languages. He invites the audience to join the army of the great commission and to let the river of God flow in and out of their lives.Ezekiel 47 is a wonderful chapter that begins with the place of sacrific; in chapter 47 verses 1 and 2, the river comes out of the temple, comes out of the place of sacrifice, and that’s our lives, as we give ourselves to Jesus the river begins to flow, and it talks about the river is reaching the ankles. You know: when we give our lives to Jesus how much of our lives do we actually give to Jesus? You say: Jesus you can have this much of our life.
You know: when you walk in a river there’s only this height of your pants you need to lift up and then you can walk anywhere, but then it says that the river rises up to the knees, this is the river of God. You know brothers and sisters, there is a river of this world and there is a river of the Spirit, the river of this world makes you want money, you want things, all this kind of things, more and more things.