Gospel of salt

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

RESUMEN: Jesus called his followers to be the salt of the earth. Salt is a symbol of incorruption and fidelity to the Lord. Christians must practice a gospel of salt and spread it like seeds of hope, even though it may have risks. We must flavor and preserve the world, infiltrating the tasteless flavors of the world's cake to try to improve its taste. If we are not the salt of Jesus' refinery, we will become more and more like the world that we intend to influence with the gospel. Christianity is new flavor, it is new life. Christians must impact people by provoking in them the desire to follow Christ and instilling in them with sincere devotion the practice of a life of love, mercy, and justice according to the word of God. We must start practicing being the salt of the earth in our homes, our first ministry.

One of the most surprising statements of Jesus is that his followers are called to be the salt of the earth (Mt 5.13). If it hadn't been Jesus who spoke this metaphor, it would have seemed crazy to me. Is not the gospel foolishness for those who do not believe? Paul told the Corinthians that God wisely arranged for the world to know him through the folly of preaching, that is, those who believe. (1 Co 1.21). I did not understand it well in my first years with Christ (being with Christ is not the same as being in Christ).

An ancient tale relates that there was a king who had three daughters. On one occasion the king asked each of them in what way they loved him. The first two strove to affirm that they loved their father more than anything in the world, the most unlikely and beautiful. When it was the turn of the youngest, she said: "Your Majesty, Father, I love you more than salt." The king was greatly disturbed by this unusual statement and not only reprimanded his daughter, but had all the salt removed from the palace and the region. It wasn't long before eating became untenable. Neither sweets nor tasteless foods could awaken the delight of a good table. The king finally understood his daughter's words. Forgiveness came and salt was once again the main ingredient on the king's table. Salt is important for flavor.

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Gospel of salt":

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Classic Sermon #6060: We are the salt of the earth
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