Waiting for your visitation

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The Shunammite woman prepared a room for the prophet Elisha to stay in whenever he passed by her house. She kept the room clean, furnished it with a lamp, table, and chair, and left it reserved for the Lord to visit. Even though weeks or months passed without the prophet staying in the room, she did not lose hope and continued to keep the room prepared. This is a spiritual lesson for us to not get discouraged if God's call on our lives has not yet materialized. We should keep our lives and souls prepared, with our lamps burning and our hearts clean, and wait for God to visit us in His own time. Like Joseph, who was given a dream by God and then sent on a journey of preparation, we should stay prepared for God's call to be realized in our lives.

In this next episode of the meeting between Elisha and the Shunammite we see that this woman has prepared a space for the prophet to stay there so that he can stay there when he passes by her house, and the Bible says in verse 11 of Second Kings Chapter 4 that: "It so happened that one day he came over there and stayed in that room, and slept there."

In other words, this woman prepared the room and did the construction, put all the things that she had to put to furnish the prophet's bedroom, and I imagine that weeks passed, perhaps months passed, and even the prophet passed through the house but did not know. He had still remained in the room until one day in particular the prophet decided to stay in this place that had been prepared for him.

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