Facing the problems in our life

Carmen Ray-Calvo
Carmen Ray-Calvo

SUMMARY: Do not let problems rob you of your joy and strength. Trust in God and do not be troubled. After considering moving to Florida, the decision was made to stay and find a new house. During the move, the air conditioning system was damaged, but the verse Nahum 1:7 brought peace and everything was resolved. Trust in God's comfort and love.

If you are facing a problem, don't let that problem rob you of your joy, because you will lose your strength and you will be vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. Since one of its purposes is to keep us distraught and troubled. God's word tells us in John 14: 1: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God believe also in me ”. In this verse Jesus is speaking to our hearts.

After a time of prayer and inquiring whether to move to Florida or not, we acquired a very nice house that motivated us to move. But I didn't feel the peace to do it yet as I wasn't willing to share the idea with my pastor, whom I love so much. Then my husband told me that he did not want us to move for now. We rent the property and look for another house near the one we had until then. During the move-in process we were called to inform us that the air conditioning system had been damaged and that it was a good idea to replace it. This news upset me a bit because this would lead to an unscheduled expense. In prayer I presented it to the Lord, verse 7 of Nahum chapter 1 immediately came to my mind, and reading it gave me peace and I did not allow this to take away my joy, in a few days everything was resolved and we returned to normal. , Thanks god.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that your word comforts us at all times, reminding us that we have a loving father who will not leave us or forsake us. In Christ Jesus Amen.

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