The value of a good diet

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

RESUMEN: What we eat affects our physical health, and what we listen to affects our spiritual health. The enemy uses lies, rumors, and false doctrines to try to separate us from God's will. To avoid falling into these traps, we need to be cautious and scrutinize everything, retaining only what is good. We must feed our spirit with the word of God, stay firm in our faith, and avoid participating in rumors and false witness. When we sin, we can run to God and cling to Him for forgiveness and strength. Nourish your mind and spirit with the unadulterated food that is the word of the living God.

Many nutritionists claim that 'we are what we eat' and over time I have come to realize that this is true, from my own experience. For a long time I used to eat vegetables and fruits a priori from other less nutritious foods and with this I not only managed to maintain a stable weight, but also kept away the unsightly cellulite. But the economy made me quit that habit and of course, the unpleasant effects were immediate.

Our mind also responds depending on the food we offer it and the more we consecrate ourselves to God, the more the enemy attacks us using a multitude of tricks.

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