The value of evaluation in our lives and ministries

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

RESUMEN: As Christians, it is important to stop and examine ourselves to make necessary adjustments in our spiritual walk with Christ. The world and its temptations try to distract us, so we need to ask God for help in evaluating ourselves and refocusing on His work. If we don't examine ourselves, God will. We should follow the example of the people of Israel in Nehemiah's time and confess our faults, repent, and trust in God's mercies and faithfulness. God is forgiving and gracious, and examining ourselves is a way to grow healthily in Christ and recognize our dependence on Him.

In our walk with Christ many times we will have to stop to examine ourselves and make adjustments if necessary. That is a symbol of spiritual maturity. The world in which we live and its prince, with no laurels to display, re-mold themselves to attract us to its subtleties and make us dance to its rhythm. It is good to stop along the way and ask God to con the help of his Spirit, help us to make a spiritual evaluation to correct the course and refocus on the work that Christ has entrusted us to do. We better do it because if you don't examine yourself, God will. The psalmist sang to the Lord: "You search my heart, you search me at night ..." (Ps 17.3)

Solomon, referring to self-analysis, concluded: "The wicked is inflexible in his decisions; the just examine his own conduct", (Pr 21.29 NIV), order his ways. And in the book of Lamentations "Let us examine our ways and search them, And return to the Lord. ”(Lam 3.40) It is most likely that when we scrutinize our conduct and our ways we realize that many things are wrong, that we have been light in remembering God's mercies, his goodness and love, that we have been disobedient and not We have acted according to His Word. I am sure that when we are aware of it, we experience sadness. What should we do? The same thing that the people of Israel did in Nehemiah's time: confess our faults, repent from the heart and trust in the mercies and God's faithfulness.

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