The unique power the Lord has entrusted to us

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: The Lord suspends and shortens judgments for the sake of His chosen ones. The saints should use their influence with the Lord to pray for sinners and bless their efforts for salvation. Many sinners live because of the prayers of a believer. We should pray for our country, other lands, and our time, and intercede in times of war, famine, and plague. We should plead with Jesus to hasten His glorious coming and shorten the kingdom of sin. Let's get on our knees and pray until Christ returns.

Because of His chosen ones the Lord suspends many judgments and shortens others. In great tribulations the fire would devour everything if it were not for the Lord extinguishing the flame out of consideration for His chosen ones. Thus, while saving His chosen ones for Jesus' sake, He also preserves the race for His chosen ones.

What honor is thus bestowed upon the saints! How diligently they should use their influence with their Lord! He will hear your prayers for sinners, and will bless your efforts for their salvation. He blesses believers to be a blessing to those who remain in unbelief. Many sinners live because of the prayers of a mother, or a wife, or a daughter, for whom the Lord has regard.

Have we correctly used the unique power that the Lord has entrusted to us? Do we pray for our country, for other lands, and for our time? Do we stand as intercessors in times of war, famine, plague, pleading for the days to be shortened? Do we lament before God the explosions of infidelity, error, and debauchery? Do we plead with our Lord Jesus to shorten the kingdom of sin by hastening His own glorious coming? Let's get on our knees, and don't rest until Christ returns.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.

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