The King of the nations
Celia SantosThis flag is of South Africa, they use these colors to evangelize. The national anthem of South Africa is a prayer and the anthem is sang in five languages. So they use the black to show the sin, and the red they use to show the blood of Jesus, and the green and blue to show the heaven, the white is the peace that Jesus gives to us, and so it is like a book without any words.
Why does the flag have these colors? When the europeans went to South Africa they went to speak about Jesus to those people, but when they arrived there they saw how rich their continent was. I'm living today in Johannesburg and Johannesburg is known as 'the city of gold'. So when they saw all that richness they started to oppress the people, the black people, and they made a separation, the area for black people and the area for white people, and they started the Apartheid.