The power of visualization
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
Genesis chapter 30, we're going to go to verse 25 and I'm not going to read the whole passage because it's too long so I'm going to set the stage for you and then we get into the very passage that I want, the verses that I want to emphasize and use as a starting point. departure. The story is about the years that Jacob spent in the house of his uncle Laaban who was a very cunning man but Jacob was much more cunning than him, he did not know what he was getting into because Jacob was very cunning and that is why in fact, Jacob had to run from his brother who he tricked, Esau, and you know the story, and this is a titanic fight in malice, Jacob and his uncle Laaban.
And what happens is that Laaban had deceived Jacob, you remember the story, many more years than they had originally agreed for Laaban to allow him to marry his daughter Rachel who was evidently Jacob's cousin if she was the daughter of Laaban his uncle. The fact is that Laabán deceived Jacob several times and he was always postponing the number of years that he had to work for him in order to marry Raquel, but Jacob always took advantage of the matter.