The Christian grows when he goes through the test

Dr. Roberto Miranda
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: The speaker is continuing a series on health and healing, discussing how God wants us to live joyful and healthy lives. He explains that Christ came to defeat the powers of darkness and establish God's benevolent government on earth. He emphasizes that the Bible is a practical manual on how to live a healthy life and heal ourselves from deficiencies and problems. He discusses the importance of reading and studying the Bible to find the tools we need to face the adversities of life. He encourages Christians to be well-educated in the Word of God to avoid falling into the traps of the devil. He shares a personal anecdote about his mother, who had a basic education but was wise because she studied the Word of the Lord.

The speaker discusses several principles from the Bible that can help people live a happy and fulfilling life. These include understanding one's value comes from God, believing that God is with us and in our favor, detaching oneself from the world and people, and accepting that suffering is part of the human experience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having faith in God, believing in oneself, and living positively.

Pastors can harm people by only preaching good things and not preparing them for the trials and tribulations of life. God allows afflictions to come into our lives to strengthen and temper us, and it is important for Christians to learn to confront the devil and trust in God's faithfulness. Trials and tribulations are necessary for spiritual growth and to truly know Christ. We should not be afraid of tests and should trust in God's protection and love for us. The angels of God are with us at all times, and we should leave with the confidence that God values and loves us. The community of believers is a ship that will reach the safe port of heaven, and we should trust in God's promises.

I want to go back to the series that we've been dealing with on health and healing, how to live glowing lives, joyous lives, triumphant lives even in the midst of trials and struggles. And I know that many weeks have passed because we have had so many different events and rich things that God has given us that we have had to postpone the development of this series.

But I want to pick it up again and continue because I think it's a series of messages that encapsulates and brings together all the themes of the Gospel in a very beautiful way and has tremendous practical value.

We have said and what I want to do is a summary, and if God stops me in something I will deal with that, to update us, and if there is time then I will deal with new material, I will always deal with new material but in another way , and if not next Sunday I'll take something completely new untreated, another approach to something, all geared towards how to live healthy lives.

But we said that all this that we are preaching is framed within the idea that God wants us to live happy lives, amen? God wants us to be joyful people, healthy people, people who reflect the values of the Kingdom of God, people who reflect the healthy and eminently balanced character of Christ Jesus.

Christ came to a fallen world ruled by darkness to wrest dominance from the devil who exploited human beings without recourse. When Christ enters history, there is no power that can effectively face the darkness in the world and Christ, in His death on the cross, says the Bible that He defeated principalities and powers. He says that he wrested their dominion and established the benevolent government of God on Earth that has been inching forward through the advancement of the Kingdom of God, and that one day it will be consummated when Christ comes in all His glory, and then he will put end the fallen world we live in and establish His perfect Kingdom for all eternity.

Meanwhile He, through His Church, is rescuing portions of this world. Through the proclamation of the Gospel, God is working in societies, in cultures, in individuals and there is a struggle right now that is taking place in the world, the Kingdom of God reclaiming this fallen world, and the kingdom of darkness making war against the Kingdom of God, against His Church to harm, to steal, kill and destroy, to do what the devil has always done in the history of humanity.

And the Church is that benevolent force that advances announcing the Word of the Gospel, declaring God's intention, bringing lives to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, preaching the Word and the values of the Kingdom of God in society. There is an embodied struggle in the world right now between the powers of the devil and the powers of light and life.

Christ came into this life to rip off, he says, his power from the devil. The Bible says that Christ came to undo the works of the devil, to make sure that we do not have to live in slavery to darkness, that each one of us can aspire to be a healthy and healthy person, that when we enter the Gospel with our wounds, ties, chains, fallen marriages, thoughts that bind us, that through Christ Jesus we can receive freedom and be free, and live a healthy life.

This morning I was praying for a person who came here and asked me for prayer during the time of intercession, and I saw this person trembling, and I felt called to pray for her, and I asked her: is there something in particular for which you do you want me to pray? and she told me: because of some panic attacks that I have suffered for two years, and even while I was praying for her she was trembling there, and I prayed for the Lord to heal her, I prayed for peace that surpasses all understanding. I prayed, as the apostle Paul says, who says that we should not be anxious about anything, but rather that our requests be made known before God with prayer and supplication, and that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard our thoughts and our minds in Christ Jesus.

I declared the Word of Isaiah which says: "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on You." I declared the Word of Christ that says: "Peace I leave you, my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world gives it, do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid." These are words that are in the Bible that tell us that we do not have to live prisoners of anxiety, depression, panic, nightmares, a life of restlessness. Christ has come so that we may have peace, He is the prince of peace.

And there are so many passages in Scripture that tell us that I don't have to live a life of anxiety, and many of us do, I know we suffer from anxiety, we suffer from insomnia, we suffer from nightmares that poison our sleep. But brothers: I can tell you in the Name of Jesus that you do not have to live a life of suffering of those types.

And many of us suffer from many other things. We suffer from inferiority complexes, we suffer from low self-esteem, sometimes we have jealousy and resentment of the past and desire for revenge in our hearts, we feel as if God has abandoned us. There are many different things that human beings suffer from. Others suffer from a critical attitude towards others, we are extremely delicate; If they look at us badly, we are already filled with hatred and resentment. We are violent in our way of speaking, we curse and cannot control ourselves, we speak badly to others.

There are many flaws in life and everyone here in one way or another suffers from something, amen? yes or no, we all have something, no one can say that they are perfectly happy in this life. However, Christ has come so that in all these things we are more than conquerors, and when we enter the Gospel we have the right to aspire to a healthy and healthy life, even in the midst of tribulations and trials.

I believe that health and blessings and healing should not be preached without also saying that in the world we will find affliction and many other things, but the Bible says in everything: "We are more than conquerors" Christ has come to undo the works of the devil and Christ calls us to health and healing.

And we were saying, as I say this is such a summary but sometimes we need to remember these things, we were saying that the Word of God is a practical manual on how to live a healthy life and how to heal ourselves from deficiencies and defects and problems, and the ties in which we find ourselves, and how when we come and suffer from something or tragedy comes into our lives, a terrible diagnosis of some chronic illness comes, something comes that threatens our happiness, immediately a wall of defense has to be built within us that the Word of the Lord provides us to face the adversities and problems of life because they will come sooner or later, and then we have to know how, the Bible is full of that.

Never read the Bible as a religious book just to make a litany, no. Read the Bible to find in it the tools you need to live a happy and productive life, so I read the Bible, so I preach the Gospel. I don't preach it for people to be religious, no, I preach it for them to understand how to get all that God has for them, how to live within the fullness that God has declared upon us, how to receive all the inheritance that God has for us. That's the Bible.

And the Bible has many teachings. There we have, for example, in Ephesians chapter 6 that we discussed it, about how we should take on the armor of God when problems come to life, the apostle Paul calls it the bad day. When the bad days come, when the marital problem comes, when the diagnosis of illness comes, when the bank account comes that we thought we had more than we had and at the moment a check bounces, when the IRS tells us that we owe it $1,500 when we thought they were going to give us back $1,500, when the boss tells us: we are going to close the factory and you just lost your job, right? when your hours are taken away, when you discover that your son is smoking marijuana, or your daughter is having illicit sexual relations.

What do you do at that moment, get desperate, shoot yourself, renounce God, stop going to Church or put on the whole armor of God and say: you know I'm going to fight and I'm going to take my children from him? to hell, I'm going to claim God's blessing, I'm going to look for work and I believe that God is going to open a job for me in this city, where they say there are no jobs, God is going to find something for me. I will not lack daily bread, I am going to pray to the Lord so that my house does not lack food, does not lack heating, that my children do not lack a good suit or whatever because God is my provider. What does the Christian do when the bad day comes? he goes to the Word and finds the tools he needs to live in sufficiency and in the blessing of God.

God has provided, for example, he says: "When the evil day comes, gird your loins with the Word of Truth" what God has declared, not the lie that the devil wants to tell you, no, the Truth of God. Use justice, use the Word of the Gospel, use the shield of the Word, use the sword or the sword of the Word and the shield of faith, use the shoes of the Gospel, use the helmet of what, of faith do I believe? what is it? the helmet of salvation, what is the sword? the sword of the Word, all these tools, each of them an armor like a soldier. Use those weapons.

Now that means that: look, you have to read the Bible. Ultimately brethren let me tell you, this is new ground that I am covering now. If you don't read the Word you are going to be unarmed against the afflictions of life, it is not enough to just come to Church.

With all due respect, I leave that to his time as a Catholic. If you are a committed evangelical Christian you have to have the Bible close to you at all times, you must read it and read it like something, like a shipwrecked person grabs a board, read it to know the rights and responsibilities that you have as a child of God.

The Word of the Lord is something that gets inside you, it is something alive. The Bible says that the Word of God is living and effective, and sharper than any two-edged sword, it says, and it penetrates to the very marrow, it says that it divides things and that there is nothing that is hidden from the Word of the Lord. If you want to have a powerful life, feed yourself with the Bible, feed yourself with the Word of the Lord. It is time for Christians to be well educated in the Word of God.

Do you know why there is so much innocence among God's people today that we are not prepared for the terrible traps that the devil is setting for humanity? because there are many believers who ignore the Bible, ignore the Word of the Lord. They don't know the difference between Abraham and Joshua, or Elisha, or Ahab, they don't know who those characters are. They do not know what the doctrine of salvation consists of, they do not know the great themes of the Bible. They don't know the difference between the Old and New Testaments. They don't know how to preach to someone about salvation, if they find an unbeliever who tells them: look, what do you believe? They can't explain why we don't read the Bible, we don't know who the prophets are.

Today Sara alluded to the valley of dry bones, you say: what do you eat that with? read the bible, it's in Ezekiel. Many Christians do not know the great themes and the great stories of the Bible. O children of God, I beg you in the Name of the Lord: read the Word because there you will find advice for your lives.

I have always said: my mother was a woman with a very basic education but she was the wisest woman I have ever known in my entire life because she studied the Word of the Lord. I still have your Bible and it is a wrinkled Bible, and when you open it the pages almost fall apart because they are scratched everywhere. That woman got up in the morning, when she met the Lord in the 60's in the Dominican Republic, the Gospel got into her pores.

And perhaps I have told you this before, one of my most beautiful memories is in the morning before I got up, when I was little, listening to my mother singing choruses in the kitchen of the house, reading the Bible and singing. And that woman knew the Word.

If you want to be a healthy and mature Christian read the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Read even the texts that say that so-and-so fathered so-and-so, and so-and-so fathered so-and-so, and that so-and-so fathered sultano, read it because it is the Word of God, something good is going to rub off on you, okay? read it all, the enumerations and the children that so-and-so and others had, read it all, swallow it all because all of that is Word, divine energy that is going to enter your life, the Word of God is very important.

And so there are many things that the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 6: the armor of God. And then there are also truths that help us live healthy lives. For example: I have spoken to them about the importance of knowing that your value resides in God and not in men, that God made you good and with good purposes, that you do not have to look for a boyfriend to say you're okay, no. You're okay and if the boyfriend doesn't come you missed it, that's your problem, amen? You don't have to be around feeling worthless because you don't have a man, sometimes there are men who better be away from your life, better alone than in bad company, I tell you.

Hey, you are worth yourself in yourself and do not live with an inferiority complex or anything like that, rejoice in what God has given you. Celebrate, enjoy all that the Lord has placed in your life.

Listen to me: all of us can live creative, eminently creative lives if we stop complaining that: oh you didn't give me this, you didn't give me that, no, no. Look at what you have, see the glass half full, not half empty and live life positively because God does not create garbage, God has made you eminently valuable. Do not be looking for value in another person, in an individual, in money, in fame, in work, all of this is good but that does not make it better or worse, it is the Presence of God in your life.

So we have talked about: hey, rejoice in who you are, don't live compulsively looking for affirmation because what it does is that it makes you hostage to circumstances. If you were celebrated and celebrated today oh, you are happy, glory to God. If they didn't call you, they didn't send you a birthday card, you're depressed and you're going to shoot yourself, no!

Whatever it is, he says, I think it is the prophet Habakkuk, that even if the fig tree does not bloom, even if there is no food in the pantry, even if there is nothing in the closet, yet I will rejoice in the Lord and celebrate my God. If you have a lot of food, praise God, if you don't have enough, eat what they gave you and don't worry because tomorrow will be better. Believe in the Lord, do not be looking for happiness in the world because men one day love you and another day they kick you as we say, right? Have courage in yourself, this is very important.

Another very important principle, always this, tell me: God is with us and in our favor. Tell him that there: God is with you and is in your favor. Listen to me: when you get up on Monday morning and you don't even smell lilies, say: God is with me and in my favor. When you have to go out there and it's snowing, and there's four feet of snow on the sidewalk, and you're slipping everywhere, say, God is with me and for me. When the boss looks at you badly, say: God is with me, he who is with me is stronger than he who is in the world, glory to the Lord.

We have to make that, brothers, a governing principle of our life. When you undertake something difficult in life, believe that God is with you, because that is important. Sometimes we feel that we are alone and that is why sometimes we do not dare to do great things in life.

For example, many people think: oh I can't change, I was born that way and that's how I'm going to stay. No, I have been suffering from this depression for five years now. No, my marriage no longer has a solution. If you believe that God is with you, that will encourage you to undertake new and great things in your life and everything depends on faith, everything depends on us believing God.

I think it is very different when a man or a woman believes that God is with him or her, that makes us have hope about life. I don't know about you but I feel like God loves me in a very special way, I feel like I'm God's lover, I don't know about you, I hope you believe too. And you know what? God has so much love that he can be loving to all of us in the same way.

I always believe that God will bless me. I always believe that God has better things ahead of me. And I believe that when one learns to believe that God is with one, that belief becomes a magnetic force that attracts blessings.

Have you seen that there are positive people who don't always believe: no, I'm going to get ahead, I can do this, I can do that, and how things come to them? because we are magnetic. If you think it's going to be bad for you, it's going to be bad for you. If you believe that people are a bunch of scoundrels, everyone is going to abuse you. If you believe that life is cruel and that there is nothing good in this world, forget that this prophecy is going to come true in your life.

Now: if you believe that God loves you, God wants to bless your life, God has good purposes for you and for your children, look, in some mysterious way, to the extent that this becomes a powerful belief in your life, it becomes will attract the blessing. Think positive about God and you will live a positive life. Believe in the God who loves you and validates you, and has good purposes for you and listen to me, it is something that you are going to attract.

Have you seen E.T. that when there was a little light there that would turn on and one would see it through the flesh of, right? that's how it happens People who believe in God are like they have a little light, people look at it and see through their ribs, and they see a little light there, that is faith, that is God's affirmation in their life.

But it is something that must be cultivated, must be repeated until it becomes a reality. Underline those parts of your Bible that tell you that God is with you, believe it and live that because that, that motivation will then allow you to undertake new and different things, that instead of running away from your marriage say: no, I .

Look at Sister Maria who testified at the beginning of the service, right? Forty-odd years this woman separated from her husband, she said: no, I'm going to stay until God does something and see how God united this couple, because there are people of faith. When she told me that she wanted to marry again at the age of seventy something, I said: Lord, will these bones live? (laughs) but no, God made it in a special way, no, no, I'm playing. She is a woman full of life, her husband too.

I always think that Sara, I'm playing, that's a cheap joke. She knows what I mean, right? because sometimes we believe that the elderly, older people cannot love each other, cannot have physical relationships. Look, the Bible says that even in old age they will bear fruit to announce that Jehovah, my strength, is upright and that in Him there is no injustice.

When she told me that she wanted to remarry her ex-husband of forty-three years who had not seen each other is a tragic story and a love story at the same time, a story of separation, adultery, and other things. but look at them there like two turtledoves, what a blessing. Because it is that when one believes in the Lord one can do things that people consider impossible.

I have learned that the child of God until the last moment of his life can enjoy a full life. In a wheelchair God can use a person. Old age can be the time of greatest harvest in the life of a man, a woman who believes that God is with one. Do you believe that God is more with a young man than with an old man? no, by no means, God is the same for all His children.

When you believe that, when you believe that God is with me, then that gives you the strength to keep going. When the affliction comes, the test, you put on the armor, you say: now we are going to fight so that this giant leaves the field, and I am going to cut off his head as David said, I am going to give his head to the birds because the child of God has great resources, and that Presence of God; If God is with us, who is against us?

Do you know that there are angels around you at all times in your life? When you believe that you are alone, the angels of God are in your life. They are in your hospital bed, if you live in an apartment alone you are not alone, God is with you, ask the Lord to let you feel His Presence in your life. The children of God always have a great cloud of witnesses around us, the promises of God are in our life. God is with us and is in our favor, that must be a governing principle.

The third principle we are talking about is that we Christians have to detach ourselves from the world and from people in order to be happy, because in the world people live controlled by the world, and everyone lives wanting to get money, to get work, doing this, doing that, than fashion, than physical beauty, and when these things are in question or are fragile, or disappear, we collapse and are unhappy, and then we often live at the mercy, youngsters they live at the mercy of the other youngsters, what do they think, what do they say, if they have company, if not, if they have a boyfriend, if they don't.

So there are many worldly Christians who have not renounced the world and therefore live at the mercy of circumstances. If you want to be happy, understand that the world is not your home and the world cannot give you anything or take anything away from you.

Many people do not progress in the ways of the Lord because that moment has come when they have said "no" to the world. Did you know? there has to come a time in your life when you say: you know what? I am no longer going to live at the mercy of this world, I am going to consecrate myself to the Gospel, I am going to seek God.

I tell many of you who are new to the faith, you are coming to the Church, you are seeking the Lord, look: make up your mind once and for all and give yourself to the Lord now, die, die, tell him: Lord, today I am getting married With you, today I'm not going to look back anymore, I'm not going to look for anything in the world. The world is as we say and we have already said that: it is not your home, your eternal home is in heaven, we are here passing through. If God gives you something enjoy it and if he takes it away say: God gave, God took away, the Lord's Will be done.

We enjoy the world to the extent that God gives us the blessing to enjoy it, but if not: glory to God that one day every tear will be wiped from our eyes, every disease will disappear and we will be in the Presence of God, and we will enjoy a perfect life.

In the world here this is provisional, this is a prelude to the truth that is the heavenly homeland, fill yourself with that truth and if in the world you do not have everything you want, you wish you had, don't worry, one day God will give you far into the sky. Invest for eternity and live this life here provisionally in what is to come, how true is that heavenly banquet that you are going to enjoy and enjoy with your Lord, detach yourself from the world to be happy on this Earth.

And finally the last other great principle that we worked on a bit is this idea that, and it sounds a little creepy but it is very important, is that: suffering is part of the human experience. Why is that important? because we all have to go through times of trial and difficulty.

I believe that Pastors do people harm when we only preach good things to them, when we only say: oh God, what he has for you is candy and sweets, and pizza, and chips, and we don't say: no, God sometimes he wants to form Christ within you and he will put you through the discipline of a soldier; God is going to allow afflictions to come into your life to strengthen you, temper you, give you the attitude of a soldier.

What warrior gets trained at a golf club by putting golf balls and then feasting when it's over? What warrior is trained in a garden alone? No, the warriors are trained where? on the battlefield. They make them exercise, get up at 4 in the morning, they teach them discipline, they teach them to stick to authority, they yell in their faces, they humiliate them to temper their character and teach them to obey orders, they make them listen to the whistle of bullets so that when the moment of battle comes they will not run, they teach them that the enemy is real and that they have to prepare, they teach them to use their weapons and to take them apart and put them back together because there is a war.

And God sometimes allows afflictions to come into your life. Sometimes he allows the devil to attack and control him, but he lets you see the devil's bare teeth so that you learn not to be afraid of him, so that you know that Christ defeated him on the cross of Calvary.

Many of us when the devil bares our teeth we run instead of confronting him. The devil is confronted, the devil is looked in the face and is told: you do not pass through here, God is with me. Use authority, the devil has to flee before the Power of Jesus Christ.

The Bible says that on the cross Christ defeated principalities and powers, it says: "He exhibited them publicly and annulled the act of decrees that was contrary to us" that is a judicial fact. And sometimes God allows the devil to bark at us, and sometimes he even allows him to get close to us but behind him there is a chain that is holding him that will not allow him to go beyond where God wants him to go.

Brother: sometimes trials will come into our life, sometimes tribulations will come, but sometimes God wants us to learn and sometimes He takes away a little of our sweets and abundance so that we learn that not only will man live on bread but also of every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Sometimes He allows us to go through scares so that we cry out to Him and He shows His faithfulness, and we say: wow, then I have nothing to fear because God promised and God fulfilled.

Do you know when the Christian grows? when he goes through the test and uses the weapons of the Gospel, he is victorious and then confirms that God is faithful and God is true. A Christian who has not gone through trials and losses and tribulations and difficulties and tragedies does not deserve the name of Christian. Every Christian should have a few medals for being wounded on the battlefield.

What soldier who has had experience in war hasn't been torn, shot, or hit by someone, or fell into a ditch, or whatever, or had a hard time? every soldier worthy of the name suffers tribulation, how much more we who are warriors for eternity.

There are going to be times of trial in your life, that does not mean that God has forgotten you, that you are not blessed. God is preparing and allowing tribulations to come into your life to temper you, so that you go to the Word, so that you seek prayer, so that you learn that this world is nothing and that what matters is your company, your relationship with God so that you seek more of Him, to break yourself, to form the image of Christ in your life.

If you want to be like Christ you are going to have to live like Christ and part of Christ's life was afflictions, trials, difficulties, tragedies, betrayals by his own and finally a death on a cross. Paul says that he wanted to know Christ in His sufferings and in His victories, in His Power. Sometimes we want to know Christ in His Power but we don't know that to know Christ we have to know Him in His sufferings. So children of God, God has called us to be warriors and for that he will temper us, so we have to get used to the idea that we are going to suffer.

"In the world you will find affliction" in the world we are going to suffer, and when the afflictions come, don't throw yourself to die, don't get depressed, don't go around shooting yourself, no. Believe: God is with me, God is going to get me through, this is part of my training, glory to God.

With this I end: a person cannot be emotionally healthy and wise if they have not gone through great tribulations, let me tell you that. I have not met a person worthy of being a teacher or teacher, worthy of preaching a sermon, worthy of consoling a afflicted person who does not have their own experiences of loss, sadness and suffering, and illness in their life, not the know. Because the only way in which a man, a woman truly learns what is love, meekness, humility, patience, perseverance in the midst of the test that is what constitutes a healthy man, woman is through through tribulations and trials.

If you do not go through tests you are not worthy of the name of a follower of Jesus Christ. Trials will come to your life when they come: put on the armor of God and stand firm until the bad day passes and you will come out as the Bible says: shining like gold, hallelujah. God sometimes tests us like gold, purified, so that all the ugly things of gold remain and pure gold remains, it has to melt.

The metal when it is impure has to be melted so that the impurities are separated from what is truly valuable. We sometimes have to be put through the fire so that God's gold remains.

Don't be afraid of tests. When the tribulations, the droughts, the deficiencies come to your life say: now I am going to shut myself up with God until the test passes. And when the winter passes, the spring will be there ready to receive you, the blessing of God will be there and you can then be a blessing to others, that is how to live a healthy life.

Next Sunday we will continue, there are many other things, we are simply making a summary so that you do not forget these things that we have talked about. Many times we have to listen to them two or three times in different ways so that they are engraved in our hearts and we can make use of them.

May the Lord bless you. When we leave here on this day, let us know that God loves us, God values us, He gave His life for us. The Word says that He who gave His only begotten Son, how will He not also give us all other things together with Him?

Leave here confident that God is with you and that God values you as you cannot imagine. If trials come into your life, never doubt that your dad is there going through it with you and that He will not let you be tested beyond what you can bear, and He knows that under you there is a mesh that will protect you from all tribulation and all difficulty. The rivers will not drown you, the fire will not consume you, may the Lord send His angels to be with you at all times, you are precious in the eyes of God.

Tomorrow when you go to work remember that the angels of God are with you. They will be there in your factory, they will be there next to the machine, they will be there in the office, they will be in the classroom, they will be there when you are washing the dishes and putting the clothes in the washing machine, the angels of God will be with you, with your children. No one will be able to face you all the days of your life, says the Word of the Lord that: "I have given you all the land that the soles of your feet tread on. Look, I command you to make an effort and be brave, do not fear or dismay , I will be with you wherever you go" that is God's promise to you, I declare it in the Name of Jesus, thank you Lord.

Father: We clothe ourselves with Your Truth this afternoon. Thank you because we are privileged Lord. Thank you because we already have the most important thing of all: the salvation of our souls, the knowledge of Christ, Your beautiful and useful Word to confront every situation in life and a community of men and women who are brothers in faith, and we are all going way to the heavenly homeland.

This world is fleeting, Lord, and we thank you because you have taught us that, that our true reward is in the future, but while we are here, thank you, Lord, because you promise to be with us every day.

I bless this people Father in their struggles, their tribulations, their marriages and their fatherhood or motherhood, in their health problems, finances, work, housing, documentation, Father in their emotional suffering, in their ties and their internal struggles, in their sins and in their offenses Father, in their love for You and their desire to serve you, in their spiritual pilgrimage, in just beginning to know you the new ones who are here Father, because they do not know you so well we bless them in this day and we thank you because this is a ship that is going to the safe port, Lord of Christ Jesus, it will not sink. It will not be destroyed in the middle of the sea, it will reach the shore because You have promised it so, thank you Lord.

Bless this community, dwell in it, saturate it with Your Spirit and with God's health, and thank you for this day in Jesus' Name. God bless you my brothers, peace and the grace of the Lord be with you, we are going to do one last adoration, blessed.

"The Christian grows when he goes through the test":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
God wants us to live healthy lives
The speaker discusses the topic of living healthy lives and being a blessing to others in the context of the Christian faith. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing both blessings and struggles in the Christian journey and having faith in Gods promises.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The virtue of suffering
The pastor discusses the importance of understanding that trials, tribulations, and suffering are a normal part of the Christian experience and how they can help in our spiritual and emotional growth. He emphasizes the need to face pain and suffering head-on, rather than resigning oneself to it fatalistically. He cites various biblical passages to support his message and uses examples from his own life to illustrate his points.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Living joyful lives despite our scars
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda talks about living emotionally healthy lives that reflect Gods abundance and fullness. He emphasizes the importance of balance and how Jesus reflected that balance between justice and grace. The speaker believes that we all have scars and wounds from life, but if we analyze them through Gods lens, they can make us deeper, richer, and more balanced. He also talks about the importance of spiritual nourishment, truth, and justice in living successful lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Now begins the best that God has for you
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of having a personal relationship with God and living based on His Word, the dangers of being too intellectual in ones approach to the Bible, and the need for Christians to cultivate simplicity, delight in Gods word, and trust in Gods timing. He also emphasizes renewal in old age, the importance of living a balanced life, and becoming strong warriors for God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
emotional and spiritual health
The importance of emotional and spiritual health, trusting in Gods plan, and discernment in the life of a Christian are discussed in this article. The article also emphasizes the need to surrender harmful habits and practices to achieve emotional and spiritual health.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Keys to a healthy life
Discover the keys to a healthy life with Pastor Roberto Miranda as he shares his insights on cultivating a positive mindset and belief in Christ to overcome challenges and achieve personal development.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
God wants us to be healthy people
The sermon discusses the importance of emotional and spiritual health and well-being as a reflection of Gods love and grace in our lives. The speaker emphasizes the belief in Gods support and encourages listeners to trust in God and His promises, using examples from Psalm 46 and the story of Gideon.

Omar Soto
Testing brings hope
The article discusses the importance of faith in Christ Jesus and hope in facing the tests of life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Do not underestimate the discipline of the Lord
Trials and tribulations are a part of life, especially for Christians. This article discusses the importance of enduring Gods discipline and using difficult times to grow closer to Him and become more like Christ.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Christ destroyed the inevitability of the devilish power that delights in misrepresenting the children of God
In this article, the author discusses the importance of spiritual warfare in overcoming obstacles and achieving success. He shares personal experiences and emphasizes the power of Christ in breaking through spiritual blockages.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The renewal of our mind
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of renewing our minds and leaving behind mental habits that hinder our sanctification process. He emphasizes the need to let go of the past and strive towards our goal of knowing Christ. The Christian life is a journey of continual renewal and growth.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
God wants your perfection
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses how God works in our lives to renew us day by day and make us more like Christ. He emphasizes the importance of Christian growth and sanctification, bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God, and being pruned through trials and difficulties. The article also touches on the importance of church unity, discernment, and avoiding false doctrine.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Living in times of crisis
A sermon on the importance of community, spiritual preparedness, and investing in ones relationship with God during times of crisis. Drawing from biblical stories and teachings, the speaker encourages listeners to put on the whole armor of God, focus on Jesus, and build a place of refuge for the presence of God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Don't shy away from testing
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the positive role of trials and difficulties in the lives of Christians and emphasizes the importance of reflecting the character of Jesus through bearing fruit. He also encourages listeners to trust in Gods guidance and pruning.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The attitude of triumph (Part 4)
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses key elements for living a successful life, the importance of being an example to others, and the need to get rid of negative habits and attitudes that prevent spiritual growth.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The God of details
Reflections on Gods care and generosity, emphasizing the importance of gratitude, detachment, and trust in living a Christian life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dwelling in blessing
An article on how to live a proactive and sustainable Christian life, trusting in Gods protection and having victory over any obstacle.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Where the Presence of the Lord is, the demons flee
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of the Word of God in our lives, how it brings healing and liberation, and how an anointed church can discern the powers of darkness in a community and bring transformation. He uses the story of Jesus healing a woman who had been bent over for 18 years as an example of a church that lacks power, vision, and compassion, and calls for believers to become agents of transformation.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The healing processes that have to take place in us
The speaker discusses the healing processes that take place within us, using the stories of the Apostle Paul and Elijah to illustrate how pain and suffering can be beneficial. The importance of finding balance and stillness in our relationship with God is also emphasized.