The God of the generations

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: Blessings in our lives may not necessarily be due to our own actions, but rather the spiritual deposits made by our ancestors. By living faithfully and blessing our descendants, the blessings can pass down for generations. As parents, we should cover our children with our faithful and consistent parenting, nurturing them with the Word of God, and passing on our blessings and love for God. The Bible says to train a child in their way, and they will not depart from it. We should commit our children to the Lord and trust in his future intervention in their lives.

There are times when blessings come into our lives and we believe that this is due to something good that we did. Not necessarily. Perhaps the blessings come from something that someone behind you did, an ancestor who put in the heavenly bank a spiritual deposit from which you are now benefiting.

A brother in my church specializes in genealogy studies, and some time ago he did some research on my family lineage. It was fascinating to read the study, and to be able to connect with my ancestors up to the generation of my great-great-grandparents. I am Dominican, but my family through my paternal grandfather was from Puerto Rico. In the document I could see a couple of photos of my Puerto Rican ancestors. One was called Trinidad; another was called Evangelista.

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