Love awaits everything

Gregory Bishop
Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The sermon focuses on the concept of love waiting for everything, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13. The preacher confesses to having wished for the opposing baseball team to lose, highlighting how often we do not truly hope for the best for others. The sermon goes on to discuss various examples from the Bible of people who had hope for others, including Moses, Barnabas, and Paul. The preacher encourages listeners to have hope for others and to see their potential, even when they have failed in the past.

The speaker talks about having a love that waits on people and sees potential in them. He uses the example of Barnabas who saw potential in John Mark, who eventually wrote the Gospel of Mark. He emphasizes the importance of not being judgmental and taking a long-term perspective on people. He also talks about taking a broader perspective of a person's context and remembering our own shortcomings to have mercy on others. He concludes by talking about looking at people with eyes of faith and using the examples of Samuel anointing David as king and God seeing potential in Jacob.

The sermon talks about having eyes of faith and hope when looking at people, just as God saw potential in Jacob despite his deceitful nature. The speaker encourages us to adopt prophetic eyes and see the good in people, calling it forth in their lives. He shares stories of people who have turned their lives around after being encouraged with words of hope. The sermon ends with an invitation to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and to accept God's love and hope for our lives.

First Corinthians 13, I just want to read a few verses from this Chapter and I want to focus on 4 words from this Chapter. The word says: "If I speak human and angelic tongues and I do not have love, I come to be like resounding metal or tinkling cymbal." Jumping to verse 4: “... love is long-suffering, it is benign, love is not envious, love is not boastful, it is not puffed up, it does not do anything wrong, it does not seek its own, it is not irritated, it does not hold grudges , you don't enjoy injustice but you enjoy the truth”. Verse 7: "everything suffers, believes everything, hopes for everything, bears everything."

I want to focus on the part that says: “ awaits everything”. They know that we read these words as poetic words and I almost never stop to think what this means, what love always expects everything. Well, let's see what it means today. Let's pray together.

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