Ephesians 2:11-13

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Inglés)

RESUMEN: The passage is from Ephesians 2:11-22 and talks about reconciliation, peace, and tearing down barriers. The Apostle Paul is writing to non-Jewish Christians in the Greco-Roman world and describes what life was like before they knew Christ. The passage reminds us of the importance of remembering what life would be like without Christ and the values of Christianity, and how those values have positively influenced society. As Christians, we should strive to let the teachings of the gospel permeate every area of our lives.

In this passage, the Apostle Paul is urging believers to let the teachings of the gospel permeate every area of their lives. He reminds them that before they were believers, they were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel, and without hope or access to the promises of God. However, through the blood of Christ, they have been brought near to God and can now enjoy the benefits of being a follower of Jesus. Christianity is not a system or process, but about a person: Jesus Christ. As believers, they can have instant communication with the Father through the power of prayer and are never far away from Him.

Christianity is not a system or process, it is about a person: Jesus Christ. Salvation comes from acknowledging Jesus as the son of God, accepting his sacrifice on the cross, and believing in his resurrection. This personal commitment brings access to the Kingdom of God and all its benefits. It is important to understand that Christianity is centered around Jesus and his sacrifice, and not any other religious figure or system. Those who haven't made this personal commitment are encouraged to do so by humbly acknowledging Jesus as their savior and Lord. Publicly declaring this commitment is also encouraged as it brings a beautiful witness to one's faith. The speaker prays for those who have made this commitment and asks for freedom, blessing, and joy to come into their lives. The message ends with worship and glorification of God.

I’m going to be reading from the letter to the Ephesians. If you don’t have your Bible that’s ok, just listen and I will hopefully illuminate a little bit what I will be reading. It’s in chapter 2, verses 11 through 22. I’m going to attempt to just take the whole passage and go through it very quickly.

Ephesians, chapter 2, beginning with verse 11. These are words of the Apostle Paul writing to a congregation in the city of Ephesus, and this is what Paul says to them. He says:

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