Build with weapons and tools
David Sedaca(Audio: Español)
The speaker talks about how God constantly challenges His people in the Bible, and how despite their disobedience, God's love for them remains. He uses the example of the people of Israel building the temple, and how they became discouraged and didn't finish the work. Nehemiah comes and encourages them to continue with the work, and reminds them that it is not just for themselves but for future generations. The speaker also warns that the Church of Christ is being attacked by society and the courts, but God wants His people to be found faithful and to continue the work with both tools and weapons.
The speaker talks about the challenges faced by the Messianic Jewish community in New York and Jerusalem, where they face opposition and lawsuits. Despite the challenges, they continue to work diligently in the Work of the Lord, using spiritual weapons such as prayer and the study of the Word. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a vision and not letting discouragement enter, and encourages the congregation to see their physical plant as a place that can contain the glory of God. The speaker believes that they are building in the context of a great and mighty movement of God in history, and urges the congregation to connect with this vision and believe that they are part of something beyond just building a beautiful Church. The speaker ends by quoting from the book of Haggai, which calls on the people to support the reconstruction of the temple.
The speaker emphasizes that a leader without followers and partners is useless and that the people are the expression of a vision. He encourages the people to see the supernatural dimension of what they are experiencing and not just see it as a daily movement of a Church in a city. The speaker believes that the construction of the sanctuary is prophetic and that it is in the context of the last times. He sees that the nations are in turmoil and preparing for something, and encourages the people to give generously to the Lord and be a part of something mighty. The speaker blesses the people's lives and declares God's grace upon them and their community.I am happy, honored because I can participate with you in this challenge that the Lord has given you. In the Bible we find the history of the people of Israel and we see that in God's dealings with Israel God challenges the people constantly.
You remember, and I do not have to repeat the whole story, but remember that the people of Israel, after having been established in their land, build the temple, the temple in Jerusalem, first they had raised the tabernacle in the desert, the Lord asked His people : Bring things to raise the tabernacle, he also told the people: Bring things, in due time, to build the temple, and the Lord wanted to dwell in the midst of the people, and a House was built for the Lord.