Don't be overwhelmed by guilt

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Modern society is highly demanding and critical, but also hypocritical and intolerant of human imperfection. There is pressure to be perfect and little generosity. Young people inherit these tendencies and often do not assume a sense of service or appreciate the sacrifices of their elders. Many parents live in constant guilt and become permissive, losing authority. The Lord reminds us to not live in guilt and entrust ourselves to Him. God wants us to enjoy parenthood and accompany Him in this difficult task.

I would say that the society we live in is one of the most demanding societies that has existed in the entire history of humanity, because it is the most critically, technologically, rationally, scientifically developed society of all time. The generation we live in today has an ability to judge things and coolly dissect them on a table, with a perfectly penetrating fluorescent light, and see everything with tremendous lucidity and clarity. Everything that focuses you can see perfectly well in its deformations, imperfections and defects.

Modern society specializes in dethroning heroes, finding hidden hypocrisy in institutions, reducing legends to human size, pointing out the defects of the Church, and showing with perfect clarity the clay feet of spiritual and political leaders.

Other publications related to "Don't be overwhelmed by guilt":

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