Four stages in the process of sanctification - going towards perfection
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The sermon is based on Colossians chapter 3 and focuses on four stages of holiness that lead towards perfection. The first stage is the call to set our sights on things above, to be vertical in our holiness towards God, and to reflect His purity and moral perfection. The second stage is the call to horizontal holiness, to reflect God's values in the way we relate and treat others. The third stage is to remember that sanctification is the work of a lifetime, and that we are called to continually improve and strive towards perfection. Finally, the fourth stage is to establish priorities and focus on things above, to change our consciousness and identity and disconnect from the world. The sermon emphasizes the importance of interpreting our experiences and actions in the light of eternity and the perfection to which God calls us.
The speaker, a pastor, discusses the importance of interpreting the world and experiences through the lens of the kingdom of God. He emphasizes the need to constantly grow and add new attributes to one's life, and the necessity of stripping oneself of old attributes in order to make room for new ones. He discusses the four levels of spiritual perfection and the importance of dealing with the first level, which involves renouncing earthly and carnal desires. He urges listeners to purify themselves and submit to God's treatment, and emphasizes the importance of leaving impurity behind.
The Bible calls us to four levels of sanctification: getting rid of impurities in our physical and psychic lives, leaving inappropriate attitudes and habits of the heart, putting on virtues that reflect our identity as children of God, and ultimately reflecting the love of Christ in our lives. We need to allow God to deal with all these areas of our lives to truly reflect His goodness and live as He has called us. Love is the ultimate quality that unites us and is the result of a lifetime of surrendering to God's treatment and self-sacrifice.
The ultimate value and meaning of our actions come from reflecting Christ's self-sacrifice in our lives. Sanctification in four levels helps us reflect Christ's character and love for others. We need to be willing to be impoverished and have God's Spirit put on us. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us grow and reflect Christ's values and energy. We pray for God to deal with us and cut out anything that is not His. We take the flame of God's message with us to light up our lives and homes. We ask for God's blessing to exemplify the gospel of Jesus.Colossians chapter 3. We are going to receive this word from the Lord, I want to talk about four stages on the path to holiness, four stages in the process of sanctification, the journey of perfection that God has for all those who enter his path. The subtitle of this presentation is going towards perfection, the Lord calls us to be perfect as our Father who is in heaven is perfect. The word perfect means complete, well rounded, the attributes, the qualities that God wants for our lives. And this is a continuation of the topic that I started last Sunday, about what are the hallmarks of our church regarding the issue of holiness, what do we believe?
I have wanted to better define what we believe regarding the process of healing and sanctification, and we are going to enter fully into the word, here Colossians chapter 3, four stages of holiness, going towards perfection, says the apostle Paul in the letter to Colossians chapter 3: "If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above." There is a precondition and a condition, or a conclusion. How many have risen with Christ? I hope that you have already risen with Christ through his work in your life. "Seek the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, set your sights on the things above and not on the things on earth, because you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ in your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory".