Crossing the Jordan, conquering Jericho: Where is God taking León de Judá - and what will it take to get there?

Samuel Acevedo
Samuel Acevedo

SUMMARY: The article discusses the call for the church to become a Generation of Radical Obedience, ready to witness God do amazing things. The author compares this call to Joshua's call to consecrate themselves before crossing the Jordan River to reach the Promised Land. The article emphasizes the importance of becoming a people of integrity, living in holiness and filled with the Holy Spirit, in preparation for assuming a role in God's Divine plan. The author believes that God is calling the church to confront spiritual strongholds and bring them down, demonstrating His power and authority. The author also believes that this call includes a promise of authority and influence, as well as blessing and prosperity. Overall, the article encourages the church to embrace this call and become a Generation of Radical Faith.

God is calling for a Generation of Radical Obedience, a people who will pass through the waters of this culture without touching them, and who will be circumcised in their hearts, surrendering all areas of their lives to God. This radical consecration is necessary to inherit the future that God has prepared for us, a future that exceeds what we can ask for and imagine. This call to Radical Obedience is urgent and personal, and requires a commitment to never compromise and to internal holiness. The Jordan symbolizes the need to never compromise, while the circumcision at Gilgal symbolizes the need for internal holiness. God's mercy is present throughout this life-long process of surrender, and it becomes obvious how lop-sided our relationship with Him really is.

The process of surrendering to God is lifelong and leads to being bathed in His Mercy. It highlights how imperfect we are and how Amazingly good God is. Only those willing to pay the price of Radical Obedience can fully experience God's Love and transform the world. God is taking us to a Land destined for freedom and His Glory.

Only a people willing to pay the price to become a Generation of Radical Obedience will ever plumb the world-transforming depths of God’s Amazing Mercy and Love. This is the most “Amazing Thing” about our God. And it is enough to destroy Satan’s grip over the Land beyond the Jordan. It is a Land that God has destined for freedom, and as the footstool for His Glory. And it is where God, in His Mercy, is taking us.

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5

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