Contests without containment

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The author reflects on the pettiness and selfishness that humans can possess, despite being created in the image of God. They highlight the sadness of Christians fighting amongst themselves and the importance of asking for forgiveness after offending others. The author warns against arguing over doctrinal differences and emphasizes the importance of love and reconciliation. They remind readers that Christ died for everyone, including those we may have offended.

It has not stopped raining for 3 days, even so you have to work. I go out under the umbrella and manage to catch a bus. The street on which it passes is wide, however, a little further on there is a stopped bus of those that transport tourism. It is well attached to the sidewalk, there are no problems, there is enough space to pass, more, for some reason we do not advance.

The driver of our vehicle has stopped and looks insistently at the one who, according to his criteria, is blocking his way. But there is no one in the offender's driver's seat, no one to insult, no one to contend with. At last, we continued on our way, nothing happened, at least on earth, but I am sure that the sky was moved.

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