Confronting our giants
Samuel Acevedo(: )
How many have come here because they have a giant in their life that they need God to behead? Brothers, I have a favorite text that has become a lifestyle for me and I invite you to First Samuel chapter 7, that is right, David and Goliath, and you will say Pastor, it is Wednesday, it is not Friday, that message is better save it for I wanna, everyone knows the passage about David and Goliath. And you know, last year we had a meeting at the academic resource center, confronting another giant, we are Davids, my arm is twisted from so many stones that I have sent against a giant, another, I have a classroom the trophies and the heads of these giants in the name of Jesus, but the Lord spoke to me through this and told me, you know, here is a pattern, and it is one of the patterns, a strategy that I keep in my saddlebag, and that I have learned to take out, it has informed me a lot, it has served me a lot, and I want to give it to you in the name of Jesus, I want it to be a blessing for your life as well, especially in this defining year for our Church , and I'm going to explain why that's so important.
First Samuel chapter 17: "The Philistines gathered their armies for war, assembled in Soco which is of Judah, and camped between Soco and Aseca in Ephes Damin, also Saul and the men of Israel gathered together, and camped in the valley of Elah, and they arrayed themselves against the Philistines, and the Philistines were on a mountain on one side and Israel was on another mountain on the other side and the valley between them", and in that situation I imagine you arrived, as armies in battle order, your life and everything you carry at risk on one side, everything that represents your life, your image on one side, and on the other mountain, on the other side you see the army of the enemy as well embattled.