Classic Sermon #6053: God wants to prosper us

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Book of Exodus, chapter 1, reminds us of God's purpose for our lives and his desire for us to be prosperous and healthy. The Jewish people were blessed by God and multiplied, and God has the same purpose for us in the new covenant. We are the new Israel, chosen by God, and the language used to describe us is similar to that used to describe the Jewish people in the Old Testament. God's plan for us is not inferior to his plan for the Jews, and he desires for us to be blessed and prosperous. Trials and difficulties may come, but God is working in our lives and in history to carry out his purpose of salvation and redemption.

The message is about God's plan to bless His people abundantly and how Satan tries to prevent this plan from coming to fruition. The speaker draws parallels between Pharaoh's attempts to keep the Jewish people small and Satan's attempts to tire and limit the Church. The speaker emphasizes the need for Christians to have a positive and optimistic attitude, grounded in the belief that God wants to bless them. The message encourages Christians to pray, seek God's wisdom, and increase their spiritual pressure through the word of God, prayer, fasting, and serving in the Church.

Satan is a strategist and uses methods, tricks, tactics, and strategies to work psychologically in the lives of Christians. He prefers to work through cunning and uses science and human wisdom to kill and bind people. Christians need to exercise their minds through the study of the Bible and prayer to gain wisdom to compete with Satan's strategies. Satan's favorite way of working is coldly and in secret, just like the mafia. He uses psychological techniques to tire out and discourage Christians from serving God. Christians should not give in to this spirit and outsmart Satan by interpreting these things in light of God's word.

Book of Exodus, chapter 1. The verses invite us to think about God's purpose, God's positive purpose for our life, and if we had to choose a verse that summarizes what we want to say, there is a passage that I have always said that it hasn't been applied well in terms of hermeneutics or biblical interpretation, on occasions when I've heard it applied, but that in a sense, we could apply it to what God wants for us.

And look, it's in third John, chapter 1, verse 2; where Juan tells the old Gallo to whom he writes a letter and says: "Beloved - and in that case we could think that it is God saying to us, what Juan says to Gallo- I want you to be prosperous in all things and may you be in health, just as your soul prospers."

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