Claim God's blessing - though it hurts

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Genesis 32, Jacob wrestles with an angel all night until he dislocates his hip but refuses to let go until he receives a blessing. This story shows that sometimes God fights with us to bring about change and transformation in our lives. Jacob was not a perfect man, but he recognized the divine presence in the struggle and held on for a new identity and a new reason for being. Similarly, Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4 invokes God's blessing for a total change in his life. We too can hold on to God in the midst of our struggles and ask for a new name and a new identity.

The story of Jacob wrestling with God teaches us to hold on to God and not let go until we receive His blessing. We should declare blessings over others, but it must be intentional and according to God's plans for their lives. We all have struggles, but we must hold on to God and claim His blessings. We should also impart blessings on others through our actions and deeds. Let us go forward with an intentional life, recognizing the hand of God in our struggles. We pray for God's blessing and for the strength to deal with our daily lives. Amen.

Genesis chapter 32 beginning in verse 22, says: "And he got up that night, this is Jacob, took his two wives, his two female servants, his eleven sons, and passed through Jacob's bad. stream to them and to all that they had, and so Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak." This is how the biblical text says, "and a man wrestled with him until morning."

I want to show you a photo, if you have the photo there, this is a work of art by an artist named David Costelo, I don't know how many have heard of him, but he was a secular artist, and when he converted, he he began to turn all his art, to illustrate biblical images, something that God put in his heart. And I don't know if you can appreciate this image well, but in this image, it's called Jacob's blessing. And if you see, he is a brilliant man who has Jacob, so to speak, caught on the floor and is with his hand on the hip area, as the text says that he touched the area where the thigh connects and dislocated it , he has his hand there, but if you notice Jacob is still holding onto his arm. Many people have asked me what Jacob has in his other hand, I don't know. put a magnifying glass there, you'll see, but I don't know what he has in his other hand.

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