Christ, tabernacle of the glory of the living God

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The glory of God is all around us and inside us if we have the eyes to see it. In the times of the Exodus, the tabernacle was the center of worship to God, and today, Christ is our meeting place and the manifestation of God in our lives. We are called to give Him glory and to serve Him with humility. In Christ, we have everything, including His glory.

How much bonanza finds in the soul who has eyes to see and sees the glory of God around him, or better - inside him. Do you see it too? Oh Lord Jesus, what glory you have given us so that our burdens may be relieved for you and life can be more bearable and your cloud of grace covers us when we wake up, when we walk, to see your presence among us!

Our Lord is the King of glory, we have seen it and we see it from that tabernacle in the desert where the almighty God made his glory shine and appeared to the entire congregation of Israel in a visible manifestation of his greatness and power. In the times of the Exodus, the cloud of glory guided and directed the people day and night through the desert and the tabernacle was the center of worship to God, the place of meeting, of making sacrifices, of delivering the offerings at the feet of the Mister.

We are children of God and in his plan of redemption for humanity, the fulfilled promise of his Son Christ reminds us of that tabernacle where the Lord sought his people, gave him instructions, reminded them that without obedience it would not be possible to reach the promised land . In Christ are hidden all the treasures of the glory of the Father, He is our meeting place, we gather in his name, for him, to worship him and him alone. While the world collapses due to disobedience, ignorance and rejection To the Word of God, Christians have hope for a better future and it is that his glory comes to remind us that he is present in the midst of his people to fight our battles

God lives in the midst of his people in the manifestation of Jesus Christ in our lives. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3: 4). We will be glorified in Him and with Him because the relationship that one day we began with Him is based on His death and resurrection. All the ancient prophets and servants of God witnessed God's glory, his power, his radiance, his presence. Today we walk in Christ, the living tabernacle that was given to us as a sacrifice for our sins, the motive, cause and effect of adoration, his fullness, in whom we are complete, in whom we have sufficient inspiration and in whom we find the rest of all our days. We saw and see his glory daily. Our life purpose is to give him glory, to glorify him with our daily activities. Psalm 62: 7 says "In God is my salvation and my glory." Christ is the King of Glory, his crown is a life of humility and service of those who love him without adding dyes, sequins, or cheap ornaments to Christian clothing. In Him we have everything, including His glory!

God bless you!

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