Letter to the virtual congregation

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Pastor Roberto Miranda encourages the virtual congregation of León de Judá to continue communicating and developing a virtual community of prayer and Christian love. He believes that the best time for the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ is before us, and this internet project has the potential to enable the greatest revival in all of history. He encourages them to grasp the vision and make it their own, and strive to make it come true.

My beloved brothers of the virtual congregation of León de Judá:

I was very pleased to read Brother Faustino from Cuba's meditation on Christmas and the reflection of his wife Milagros . What depth and human and spiritual richness in his words. I was greatly enriched by your messages, and above all, I am thrilled to know that we have such deep and passionate Kingdom-loving people among us. May God this meditation usher in a cascade of excellent contributions from part of our readers and friends from all over the globe! It would be great to get to know each other better and establish a true community of believers who love, support and pray for each other through the internet. Imagine the possibilities!

Other publications related to "Letter to the virtual congregation":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Pastoral letter to the virtual community
Pastor Roberto Mirandas pastoral letter to the virtual community of God Speaks Today, encouraging closer bonds and envisioning it as a launching point for a community of worshipers and intercessors.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Pastoral letter to the virtual community
A pastoral letter from Roberto Miranda to the virtual community, encouraging readers to use the comments section to minister to each other and develop their gifts.

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Interview with Dr. Roberto Miranda on the vision of León de Judá church in 5 years.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda: General Pastor of the León de Judá Congregation
Dr. Roberto Miranda was the pastor of Congregación León de Judá since 1985 and passed away in 2022.