How do you frame the events of your life?
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
Continue with our meditation on what are those spiritual principles contained in the word of the Lord. We have been talking in this series about how to live healthy lives, live healing lives, how to transform ourselves from our wounds, sufferings, sufferings, tragedies, limitations, losses, what principles are contained in the word of the Lord so that in this sometimes valley of tears that is life, we can live healthy lives, smiling, blessing others, giving to others, healing our own wounds, so that we can be healers of others and process every day all the struggles and challenges that come into our lives.
And we've discussed different principles. In these last two Sundays we have been talking about the importance of visualizing in mind the positive scenarios that God has for us, how to use our creative imagination, the power to see God's bright future, the power to create positive images and visions. , and write them, record them, greet them, prophesy them, declare them, align our lives according to those specific visions we have of what we believe God wants us to be and do.