Good seed or tares? Do not rush to judge!

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: This passage in Matthew 13 talks about the parable of the wheat and tares, in which God sows good seed (the Word of God) in the world and Satan sows tares (negative elements) among it. The parable emphasizes the need to wait and discern between wheat and tares before taking action. In the church, there can be both wheat (those who bear good fruit) and tares (those who do not behave as Christians should). God allows negative elements in the church for various reasons, including allowing His attributes of love, justice, and holiness to become clearer in the life of the congregation.

God allows negative elements in the life of a congregation for reasons such as allowing His attributes of love, justice, and holiness to become clearer in the life of the congregation. Sometimes, evil is necessary for God's purposes to be carried out. Tares in the church force the children of God to develop the character of Jesus Christ and learn to forgive, love, and be more tolerant. The existence of tares in the church obliges us to look more towards God and not towards men. We must be careful and circumspect and respect God's mysterious designs. Pastoral congregations should understand that the process of developing a life includes moments of spiritual highs and lows, and discipline is needed in the church, but patience and giving people time is also necessary. The apostle Peter is an example of someone who gave the Lord headaches but was a jewel of the church and needed time to become the man God needed him to be.

The Church sometimes needs to impose discipline, but it should be done with love and mercy. Trust your Pastors and the authorities of the Church, as they take the moral values of the Gospel seriously. The Church balances grace with mercy and discipline with love. If someone is caught in a fault, the Church should try to restore them with a spirit of meekness, not cut them off. The Church should bear each other's burdens and reflect the love of Christ. A Church like this will be blessed by God.

Matthew chapter 13 verse 24 onwards. Last Sunday I spoke about the parable of the sower, the parable of the four lands in which the seed is sown and each seed that is the same gives different results, three negative and one positive depending on the condition of the land in which the seed falls

And in that same passage in Matthew 13 the Lord continued to speak about parables as well as agricultural matters. You remember that the Lord moved in a non-urban agricultural culture like ours and then He used many images and life situations that were similar to those that the people of his time faced; Everyone knew what land, seed, and agriculture were, so they were more attentive to the spiritual truths that He taught through that parable.

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