Blessed with all blessings

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: A God-fearing man who walks in holiness will have a happy home and also wants to see the church prosper. When the Lord builds our house, we should want to see the Lord's house built too. Going to church brings blessings and benefits not only for ourselves but also for the church as a whole. We should strive to bring good things to the church every day to ensure its success.

This is a promise to the God-fearing man who walks in the ways of holiness with diligent attention. He will have a domestic blessing: his wife and children will be the source of great home happiness. But also, as a member of the church, he wants to see the cause prosper, for he is as concerned about the Lord's house as he is about his own.

When the Lord builds our house, it is right that we want to see the Lord's house built. Our goods will not truly be a good unless we promote through them the good of the Lord's chosen church. Yes, you will get a blessing when you go up to the assemblies of Zion; you will be instructed, quickened and consoled in the place where prayer and praise ascend and the testimony of the Great Sacrifice is given. "May the Lord bless you from Zion."

And not only you will be benefited; the church itself will prosper; the believers will be multiplied, and their holy work will be crowned with success. Certain graceful men see this promise fulfilled for them throughout their lives. Alas, when they die their cause is often weakened. We must be among those who bring good things to Jerusalem every day. Lord, by your mercy make us like them!

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.

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