Be of good cheer!

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: The author acknowledges that they face tribulation, but it is not unexpected as they are in the enemy's country. The author struggles with being downcast during difficult times, but is encouraged by Jesus' victory over the world. The author realizes that they are fighting a defeated enemy and can therefore be of good cheer.

My Lord's words are true when it comes to tribulation. I have my share of tribulation beyond all doubt. The thresh is not hanging out of reach, nor can I expect it to be put away while I remain in the era. How could I expect to feel at home in the enemy's country, or joyful while in exile , or comfortable in a desert? This is not my rest. This is the place of the furnace, and of the forge, and of the hammer. My experience agrees with the words of my Lord.

I watch as he orders me to "be of good cheer." Alas, I am too prone to be downcast. My spirit soon falls when I am severely afflicted. But I must not give in to this feeling. When the Lord commands me to be of good cheer, I must not dare to be downcast.

What is the argument He uses to encourage me? For it is His own victory. He says: "I have conquered the world." His battle was much more severe than mine. I have not yet resisted until death. Why would I have no hope of winning? My soul, observe that the enemy has been defeated once. I fight a defeated enemy. Oh world, Jesus has already defeated you; and in me, by His grace, He will conquer you again. Therefore, I am of good cheer, and I sing hymns to my conquering Lord.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.

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