Balanced masculinity

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Jesus was the perfect example of balanced masculinity, combining strength and tenderness. Christian men should strive to embody this balanced masculinity, which is needed in modern society. We are all wounded in our sexuality and need to continually submit ourselves to the Word of God to be healed and tuned back to His perfect balance of masculinity and femininity. God created men and women to express complementary aspects of His personality, and we need to continually listen to His key and refine ourselves to play in the perfect key of the Father.

I do not believe that there has been a more masculine being in the history of the universe than Jesus. I'm sure he was a manly man, but also tender. He could take the children and bless them and play with them, and welcome them, and the children were drawn to Him; and he could also rebuke a proud and pretentious Pharisee , and take a scourge and vigorously protest against the violation of the House of the Lord. He could speak the truth with total clarity, and announce the righteous judgment of God, and also say to an adulterous woman, “Go and sin no more. I don't condemn you either ”.

What an admirable balance! That's a masculine man, a tempered personality. I have always admired the character of Jesus for that balance, that balance that I always see in Him. For me that is true masculinity. I see it in the Father too. I see his love and tenderness, and then also that strength, that justice, that clarity that is in Him. Christian men have to try, and do everything possible to exemplify a balanced masculinity.

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