Back to life

Miriam Carrasquillo
Miriam Carrasquillo

SUMMARY: The author's sister was diagnosed with a rare disease called Scleroderma and was given only a few years to live. The family prayed and fasted, asking God for mercy and healing. Despite attending a conference where they saw many people with disfiguring symptoms of the disease, the author felt a supernatural conviction that God would heal their sister. Miraculously, the disease stopped progressing, and their sister has been healthy for 18 years without any medical explanation. The family believes that God showed his power and great mercy in this situation and prays for others going through similar circumstances.

I would like to share an experience that had an incalculable impact on my Christian life. God was pleased that I was a witness of his healing power and his great mercy towards mine.

I remember years ago we were notified that my sister had little time left to live, due to a disease that had developed. My sister was not yet 27 years old, and she was the mother of two children when she was diagnosed. According to the doctors, his entire immune system had been weakened. Her muscles, skin, and organs would harden, in a slow and agonizing process, ultimately rendering her lifeless. The diagnosis was "Scleroderma".

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