Announcement: Men Needed!

Dr. Roberto MirandaThere is a terrible lack of healthy male role models in our society today, and an abundance of destructive and negative role models. Modern society needs men nourished by the Word of the Lord, formed, sculpted blow by blow by the work of the Holy Spirit; men saturated with the principles of the Kingdom of God, who bless someone with their healthy and balanced behavior. For example: a shy young man, ambivalent about his sexuality, insecure about his masculinity, because he has not had healthy male role models in the past.
Men are urgently required to model balanced masculinity. The models that the modern world often offers are athletes, rock musicians, movie actors, who often do not embody the reality of being a man, and above all the values of the Word of God.
We Christian men have the privilege of being continually seasoning ourselves in the Word of the Lord, slowly cooking ourselves in the values of the gospel. I hope that this Word is penetrating our life, our sensitivity. We have a great treasure within us, and we must be good stewards of that treasure. We must share it with our children, with our Church.
But beyond our immediate circle there are also other young people who need our warmth and our modeling. Perhaps in the same building where you live, in your neighborhood, or on the street as well; a child from your extended family who does not have a father or whose family is incomplete. You can be that exemplary man who provides warmth and fatherly support. Open your eyes, be aware of the needs around you, and you will find someone for whom you can be a tutor, a mentor, a spiritual parent.
Even if you are not a biological parent, do not have physical children yet, or are past the time of having them, you can still be a mentor to someone, a tutor, a role model, a source of good advice for a disoriented child or young person. God has given us so much, has blessed us so much, that we cannot be less than spiritual parents of someone, and above all be parents of our children, of our families, the extended family of our church, and also in our community.