Achieving unlimited power requires constant communion with Jesus

Charles SpurgeonTo remain in Jesus is to never abandon him for another love, or for another object, but rather it is to remain in a living, loving, conscious and willing union with Him. The branch is not only always close to the stem, but who is always receiving life and fertility from him. All true believers abide in Christ in one sense; but there is a higher meaning that we must know before we can achieve unlimited power on the throne. "Ask all you want is for the 'Enochs' who walk with God, for the 'Juanes' who lie on the Lord's breast, for those whose union with Christ leads them to constant communion.
The heart must remain in love, the mind must be rooted in faith, hope must be grounded in the Word, the whole man must be united to the Lord, otherwise it would be dangerous to be entrusted with the power of prayer. The carte blanche (carte blanche) can only be awarded to someone whose very life is: "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Oh you who break your communion, how much power you lose! If you want to be powerful in your supplications, the Lord Himself must abide in you, and you in Him.