Pleasing the Lord in every aspect of our life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: To please God and live according to His expectations, we need to have knowledge of His Will, which is found in the Bible and through the Holy Spirit's revelation. It is important to live a life of holiness and exemplary behavior that reflects the values of Jesus Christ. We should aim to please the Lord in every aspect of our lives and adopt His values of generosity, detachment, forgiveness, compassion, and patience. The knowledge of God and the intervention of the Holy Spirit is to make us exemplary men and women that reflect the character of Jesus.

To please God and to conduct ourselves and behave as God expects us, we need a knowledge of the Will of God. The only way we are going to please the Lord is if we are clear about what God wants from us.

That is why it is so important that we study the Word of the Lord because all the knowledge we need about what the Will of God is is codified in the Bible. But also God through His Holy Spirit illuminates us internally and gives us that wisdom and that discernment of what He wants for us in each decision and in each moment of our lives. That is why we have to be in continuous communion and communication with the Holy Spirit so that God is continually correcting us and focusing on His Will in every decision, every circumstance that we have to deal with or with which we have to relate.

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