After a fall

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: When people begin a new life in Christ, they experience great joy and think that spiritual life will always go up. However, oversights can lead to mistakes and sins, causing discouragement. Peter was an outstanding disciple who betrayed the Lord, but Jesus did not despise him and invited him to continue his life of service. If we relapse into sin, we must resist the urge to abandon the path and hold on to our love for the Lord, relying on the Spirit of God to help us move forward.

As people begin a new life in Christ, people experience great joy. Noticing the profound changes that occur in their life and how their desires and priorities are changing, they get excited and live times of great happiness. That first time of the Christian life, the Bible calls it the first love and is full of pleasant and inspiring experiences . New believers think that spiritual life will always go up, without stumbling or falling. But that same security sometimes leads to oversights that allow them to fall into mistakes and sins, and they end up feeling very discouraged.

Peter was an outstanding disciple for his faithfulness and enthusiasm. He was always close to the Lord ready to serve him. He was a special believer and a born leader. However, in a tragic instant he betrayed the Lord. His behavior was even more reprehensible because his denial occurred on a very sad occasion, when Jesus was being humiliated and humiliated. The soldiers spat in his face, punched him and slapped him while Pedro insisted that he did not know him. The Bible says in the Gospel of Luke that at that moment Jesus looked at Peter. The hitherto enthusiastic and faithful disciple was totally dejected. He went outside and wept bitterly. Ashamed of his performance, he tried to go back to his old fishing business, forgetting that Jesus had called him to fish for men.

The most shocking thing in the story is that when the Lord rose again and met him again, unlike what we would have done, he did not require or despise him. He only asked him if he still loved him and as Peter assured him that he did, he invited him to continue his life of service in the work of God. Jesus knew that Peter was repentant and deplored his action with all his heart.

Those brothers and sisters who after beginning a Christian life relapse into sin or find that some habits of their old behavior are struggling to take over again, must resist the desire to abandon the path and cling to their love for the Lord. Their own sadness and shame at falling into sin shows how much they love the Lord and do not want to disappoint him.

If we ever have such an experience, the important thing is to stay on track and hold on to the Spirit of God. He will help us get up and continue to move forward in the Christian life.

God bless you!

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