Worship that transforms

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Congregations that engage in war worship and prophetic declarations can transform neighborhoods and cities by countering spiritual evil. Worship leaders and pastors must be able to discern the Holy Spirit's leading and guide the congregation towards intercession and declarations of God's will for the city. Music and worship from a warrior stance weaken the Enemy's rule and allow for the harvest of souls. War worship can bind the "strong man" and establish the presence of the Lord, leading to revival and defeating the powers of darkness.

Congregations that understand the power of war worship can be tremendously effective in helping transform neighborhoods and even entire cities. Many of our cities are controlled and oppressed by powerful spiritual evil hosts. Those dark powers control and maintain the phenomena of violence, drugs, promiscuity, homosexuality and humanism that chain our communities. It requires people of the Spirit capable of counteracting this evil influence through war worship and the prophetic declaration of God's will for the city.

There will be times during worship when the Holy Spirit will lead a congregation to declare the lordship and specific purposes of God concerning a geographic area. At that point, worship must turn into a collective declaration of war. God's people will enter into a dynamic of binding and loosing, declaring healing, deliverance and blessing for specific communities, or neutralizing the work of the Enemy.

That is why it will always be necessary to have worship leaders and pastors capable of discerning the moving of the Spirit at a given moment of congregational worship, who are spiritually prepared to intervene in the course of worship and seize the opportunity to lead the people to a time of intercession and cry. In those moments of visitation of the Spirit great things will be accomplished for our communities, as well as for the Kingdom of God.

Music and worship, undertaken from that warrior stance, determined to declare and acknowledge God's unique lordship over the city, will weaken the Enemy's illegitimate rule, and allow the much-needed harvest of souls to take place. Such passionate worship will confuse and neutralize communication and actions in the realm of darkness, and allow freedom on the part of the Church to carry out God's purposes.

Worship, undertaken from a posture of war, arguably binds the "strong man" Jesus spoke of, allowing his home to be plundered and his slaves set free (Mark 3:27). John Dawson puts it this way: “Do you want revival in your city? Do you want to defeat the powers of darkness? The way to get rid of the darkness is by turning on the light, establishing the presence of the Lord in the midst of his people through praise.

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