Opening wells of life

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Genesis 26, Isaac reopens wells that were previously dug by his father, Abraham. Water was crucial for survival, and Isaac's persistence in opening these wells shows his dedication to providing for his family. Isaac also honors his father by calling the wells by the names his father had given them. The relationship between parents and children is important, and the Commandment to honor one's parents is crucial for living a good life. The promise of the Commandment encompasses many aspects of life, and failing to honor one's parents can lead to a lack of experience of God's Blessing.

In this sermon, the speaker reflects on the story of Isaac and his relationship with his father Abraham, specifically their efforts to dig and maintain wells. The speaker emphasizes the importance of honoring one's parents, as it is one of the commandments with a promise of abundant life. The wells represent various aspects of life, including faith in God, family, and relationships. The speaker urges listeners to be intentional about keeping these wells open, as life circumstances can easily flood and cover them. The story also teaches the importance of seeking peace and avoiding contention and enmity. Parents have a responsibility to maintain the family well, but children also have a responsibility to keep it clean. The speaker concludes that one generation blesses the other by opening the wells, but it is up to the next generation to keep them open or close them by their conduct.

The speaker talks about the importance of opening and maintaining wells in our lives. He discusses three wells: the well of our personal relationship with God, the well of our relationships with others, and the well of our example and testimony to the surrounding community. He emphasizes the need for intentional effort in opening and maintaining these wells in order to experience the blessings of God and to be a blessing to others. The speaker also suggests that there may be a call from God for the Hispanic Church to be agents of change and to stand firm in their principles, even if it means facing persecution. The responsibility of opening and maintaining these wells falls on all of us, including fathers, mothers, and children. The message is that we must fight and strive for these wells to remain open in order to experience the abundant life that Jesus promises.

The message is about opening wells of living water in our lives. Just like Isaac fought to keep his well open, we need to fight for the wells that God has placed in our lives. We need to intentionally keep those wells open and flowing with the water that comes from God. We have a responsibility to fulfill before God, and if we respond to His call, we can experience the blessings of God in our lives. The message is for all - parents, children, adults, and young people. We need to make a decision to keep fighting for our wells, even if we have tried and failed before. The message concludes with a prayer for restoration and reconciliation in our families and community.

Book of Genesis, Chapter 26. I have titled this message today: "Opening wells of life." I would like you to go to verse number twelve, there in Genesis 26, verse 12.

Much of what I am going to be talking about today has to do with how one generation nurtures another generation with that seed of Faith; how parents can nurture their children and their children their children with that seed of Faith that has been planted in their hearts; how a generation has the responsibility to receive that seed and to be able to continue growing in it or to drown it completely.

Other publications related to "Opening wells of life":

Omar Soto
Why are you still thirsty?
An analysis of the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacobs well, highlighting the importance of knowing the true gift of God and seeking Jesus as the source of living water to find meaning and direction in life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
When you lose it all, you win it all
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac and how it contains lessons for surrendering to Gods will and following Jesus. The sermon encourages listeners to detach themselves emotionally from things and consecrate them to the Lord, and invites people to give their lives to Jesus Christ.