DNA of CLJ : A Kingdom Mentality


RESUMEN: The speaker discusses the importance of having a duty-oriented mentality in fulfilling God's calling. He cites examples from the World War II generation and immigrants, who understand sacrifice and commitment to a larger cause. The Apostle Paul's use of images of a soldier, athlete, and farmer exemplify duty and discipline. The ultimate example of duty and discipline is Jesus Christ, who fulfilled His calling despite not wanting to go to the cross. Abraham is also used as an example of someone who obeyed God's calling and sacrificed his own security for the promise of a better future. The speaker encourages listeners to renew their commitment to God's calling and be about His business.

The speaker talks about Abram and his father Terah in the book of Genesis. Terah left Ur to go to Canaan but settled in Haran instead. This is a reminder that sometimes we say yes to God but get too comfortable and settle for less than what He has planned for us. The speaker shares a personal story about a mentor who encouraged him to make a decision to fully commit to God's plan and sign on the dotted line. The congregation is invited to do the same and affirm their commitment to God's kingdom. The prayer is for each person to belong to God's kingdom and see it come through their lives.

There are those who do their duty because they’re part of a larger kingdom and … they’re part of a larger army and kingdom, and they’re fulfilling that purpose, their duty. I think the World War II generation had this… you know, they would live through the Depression, they lived through World War II. They knew what it was to get out of boats on the beaches of Normandy and risk their lives for a larger cause.

The sense of you do the right thing and you don’t look for applause, you don’t look for rewards, you don’t even worry about self fulfillment or being happy. That is all secondary, to fulfilling a duty to a kingdom, a duty to a set of moral principles. And they knew that.

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