Sometimes you have to take off your shoes - even in the desert

Andrés Cisterna
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Exodus 3, Moses encounters the burning bush and is commanded to remove his shoes because he is on holy ground. The speaker notes that footwear represents comfort and security, but in this instance, it symbolizes reverence for the presence of God. The speaker suggests that the church must learn to rid itself of sin and impurities to enter into the presence of the Lord and experience His glory. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to remove their shoes and embrace a life of holiness to fulfill their call to spread the gospel and glorify God.

In Ephesians 4:22, God instructs us to put off our old sinful ways and put on the new man created in God's image. We must remove the things that are not pleasing to God and strive for holiness. God's presence is available to us, but we must be willing to let go of our bad habits and live in accordance with His will. We should pray for healing and restoration in areas of our lives that are not aligned with God's plan. By doing so, we can experience the blessings and prosperity that come with living in His holiness.

I want to invite you to open your Bible to the book of Exodus chapter 3, Exodus chapter 3, and in this time that we have left, I want to invite you to reflect on something. As many of you know and some of you probably don't know, I am the pastor of a church born in León de Judá in the city of Waltham, the church is called Centro Cristiano Tiempo de Dios, and the Lord moved us this year to have a fasting and prayer time every month, specifically the last week of each month. So each week has had its, let's say its motto, its phrase, what we want to achieve.

And this last time of fasting and prayer we base ourselves on the book of Acts chapter 1 verse 8, which is a text that all evangelicals should know, does anyone know it by heart? Acts 1:8, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And do you know what was the motto that we took that week? We must learn to seize the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. That was a motto and a theme all week, we talked about the Holy Spirit, all week we invoked the presence, the power, his anointing in our midst.

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