Lord, make us like dew!

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: God's believing people, when they are what they should be, are a blessing to those around them. They quietly and effectively minister to the growth and joy of those they dwell with, like dew refreshing the grass. They work for God without permission or authorization from men, like rains ordained by God. May we be brave and willing to serve God wherever we are allotted. This is from The Bank of Faith Checkbook, a devotional book by Charles Spurgeon.

If this is true of literal Israel, all the more so is it true of spiritual Israel, of God's believing people. When the saints are what they should be, they are an incalculable blessing to those among whom they are scattered.

They are like dew, because in a quiet and discreet way they refresh those around them. They quietly but effectively minister to the life, growth, and joy of those who dwell with them. Fresh from the sky, glittering like diamonds in the sun, graceful men and women tend the weak and the insignificant until each blade of grass has its own portion of dew. Small as individuals, they are, when united, completely sufficient for the loving purposes that the Lord accomplishes through them. Dewdrops can cool vast acres. Lord, make us like dew!

Godly people are like rains that come ordained by God without permission or authorization from men. They work for God whether men want it to or not; they do not ask for human permission and neither does the rain. Lord, make us bravely willing, and free in Your service wherever our portion has been allotted.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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