The earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: The infallible Word declares that Jehovah will be known and recognized by all tribes of men. However, today's reality is far from that, with rebellion and diversity of ideas about God. But one day, there will be a King and a name for the living God, and the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord. We should be strong in faith and continue our daily work and warfare. Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook.

What a blissful prospect! This is not an enthusiast's dream, but the declaration of the infallible Word. Jehovah will be known among all nations, and His gracious influence will be recognized by all tribes of men.

Today is far from being like that. Where does someone bow down to the Great King? How much rebellion there is! How many lords and how many gods there are on earth! Even among professing Christians, what a diversity of ideas there is about Him and His Gospel! One day there will be a King, a Jehovah, and a name for the living God. Oh God, hurry up that day! We cry out daily: Your kingdom come.

We will not discuss the question of when this will be. With the same assurance with which the Holy Spirit spoke through His prophets, so surely the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord. Jesus did not die in vain. The Spirit of God does not work in vain. The eternal purposes of the Father will not be thwarted. Here, where Satan triumphed, Jesus will be crowned, and the Lord God Almighty will reign. Let's go on our way to our daily work and our warfare, strong in faith.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.

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