Presentation April 13, 2014: Jesus in the Passover Meal

Jews for Jesus
(Audio: Inglés, Español) ->Alternate

RESUMEN: Two representatives from Jews for Jesus give a presentation on the Passover meal and its significance to the Jewish people. They explain the story of the Passover, where God instructed the Israelites to take a lamb and apply its blood to the door post of their homes to avoid the tenth plague. They discuss the Jewish tradition of removing all leaven from their homes during the feast of unleavened bread and the custom of searching for leaven crumbs. The presentation also includes details on the order of service during the Passover celebration, including the lighting of candles, the Kiddush cup, the Cup of Plagues, the Cup of Redemption, and the Cup of Praise. The presentation emphasizes the theme of redemption throughout the Passover ceremony and the importance of the sacrifice of the Passover lamb.

The Passover Seder is a significant Jewish holiday that commemorates the time when God passed over the houses of Israel and spared them from death, thanks to the blood of the Passover lamb. This lamb was sacrificed and its blood was applied to the door posts of Jewish homes. The Seder plate contains various symbolic foods, including unleavened bread, bitter herbs, and a shank bone of a lamb. However, with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, sacrifices are no longer made. The Messiah Jesus is seen as the ultimate Passover Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Jews for Jesus is a ministry that seeks to share the Gospel with Jewish people and bring them to faith in Jesus. They rely on the support of others to continue their work. The afikomen, a piece of unleavened bread, is broken, buried, and brought back, symbolizing the death and resurrection of Jesus.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish celebration of freedom from slavery in Egypt. During the Seder, various foods are eaten and symbolic rituals are performed. The Afikomen represents the Passover lamb and is broken, buried, and brought back in memory of Jesus who was broken, buried, and brought back. The Cup of Redemption represents the blood of the Passover lamb and is a new covenant in Jesus' blood. The Cup of Hallel is a time of praise and worship, and the Cup of Elijah is reserved for the prophet Elijah who is believed to precede the Messiah, but Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah who had come. The Passover Seder is not only a commemoration of a past event but also a hope for a future event, the return of the Messiah.

It's my honor to introduce those that are visiting and gonna sharing with us today as they bring a table with lots of implements up here, so I trust it, no problem there. We have two very special people from a group called Jews for Jesus, these are people who are jewish, who believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and they have come to understand the meaning, the prophetic meaning about Jesus and the new covenant in so many of the practices of the jewish people today that is founded from the Old Testament.

And today they are going to be teaching us about the seder meal. They are going to be walking us through a seder meal today which is the meal of the jewish people celebrating the passover when they were delivered from Egypt, and they had that meal when they killed the passover lamb, and God rescued them from slavery. So I'd like to introduce Obed and Viminy, come forward and we welcome them in the Name of Jesus.

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