Hold on tight to your faith
Dr. Roberto MirandaIf you have your Bibles with you I will ask that you turn to the gospel according to Mathew, chapter 13 and I’ll be reading from verses 3 to 9. So that’s Mathew 13, 3 to 9. While you look for that I’ll say that this morning I mentioned that my preaching talk has been influenced very much by the black preaching style. And I’ll explain why.
When I was living in New York city I used to escape my father’s church every once in a while, to go to black churches in the city, to listen to some of the best preachers in our nation, who happen to be African American, and I loved their preaching style, and I guess I went so often that some of that rubbed upon me. So today I think might be a day that you’ll see your pastor all right up. Amen. Thank goodness this is being taped….