Pull the trigger, Lord, unleash the potential of my life!
Dr. Roberto MirandaRESUMEN:
This passage in Acts 2 is the foundation of the church and the inauguration of the movement of the church on earth. The disciples had the potential for power that Christ had accumulated in them through his ministry, but they needed an infusion of energy from the outside to trigger that potential. This is similar to how a firearm needs a spark to unleash the potential of the projectile. The Lord Jesus Christ told them not to leave Jerusalem until they received power from on high, referring to an experience qualitatively different from the first. The first experience is like a calm lake with limited usefulness, while the second experience is like a powerful river with the potential to break, change, transform, and move things. The infusion of power is necessary for the potential of the disciples to become actualized.
The energy that Christ brings to believers is like a river that breaks, changes, transforms, and moves things. The industrialized Western world, including the United States, is held captive by secularism and modernism. The church needs to learn to unleash the power of God within us and gain experience in navigating both the calm and stormy waters of the Holy Spirit River. We need to let go of our appetite for control and the spirit of the program to let the Holy Spirit take control. The Holy Spirit wants us to learn to move in His power and respect His priorities and prerogatives. We need to learn to flow in the energy of the Holy Spirit and be a church that moves in the unpredictable wind of the Holy Spirit.Let's go to the word of the Lord in chapter 2 of the Book of Acts, a well-known passage. It says: “…When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together with one accord, and suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, which filled the whole house where they were sitting, and scattered tongues like fire appeared to them, settling on each one of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them to speak….”
Where does one start? I have been struggling with this passage, it is such an important passage and so full of teaching. I've been preaching about him or around him so many times that I even thought, look, let's skip to chapter 3 and continue our study of the Book of Acts like that. But I think it would be a criminal act if it really did so because it is a passage that we have to respect and give it its proper place. And we're going to see how long in the next few weeks it takes us to get through this passage, but it's important that we dwell on it.