Lou Engle

Lou Engle
(Audio: Español, Inglés) ->Original

RESUMEN: Lou Engle is a prominent prophet who is used by God in prophetic words, intercession, and discerning the voice of God for the nation. He is known for convening large crowds of people at regional and national level events to pray for the nation. Engle believes that prayer is the most powerful force in the universe, more powerful than politicians or the educated elite. He also believes in the power of dreams and sees them as a way for God to give destructive weapons to come against spiritual powers. Engle is a strong advocate for fasting and believes that the church that prays and fasts directs the course of history. He has been involved in starting a youth movement for prayer and fasting in America, which led to a supernatural move of God that brought four hundred thousand young people together on the Mall in Washington DC. There have been many testimonies of lives changed and churches planted as a result of Engle's ministry.

The speaker shares stories of how prayer and fasting have led to powerful transformations and revivals in different areas. He emphasizes the importance of targeting false ideologies and attacking them with prayer and fasting, particularly in universities like Harvard. He shares a dream of a 40-day fast and calls for a million people to fast and pray for the Lord to pour out his spirit on America. He believes that God is coming and we need an army to rise up to fight the wars of the Lord. The speaker also mentions his connection with a senator named Sam Brownback and how they prayed for the removal of false ideologies.

The speaker shares a dream where a Buddhist house of prayer dominated a Christian house of prayer, but the Christian house of prayer began to come out of its inferior position and dominate the Buddhist prayer house. The speaker believes that their battle against Muslim houses of prayer is bigger than their fight against humanism. They are calling for 40 days of fasting and prayer to confront the powers of Persia rising again in Iran. They are looking for a reserve of 40 young people from 17 to 30 years of age who want to give themselves to 40 continuous days of fasting and prayer. After those 40 days, they plan to launch a house of prayer that will not end until the well of revival begins to rise again. The website facedown40.com is available for more information. The speaker prays for the grace of fasting and prayer to descend upon the people and for them to take leadership for the city as a spearhead of intercession to destroy principalities and powers. They ask God to move the hearts of the young and remove their schools in the name of Jesus.

The prophet Lou Engle is a man of national prominence, a man of God. He is of national prominence because he is a man of God and because God uses him in prophetic words, in intercession, in discerning the voice of God for this nation, at a key time in its history. And among many other things in which he has been used by the Lord, he has written books, but also to convene large crowds of people at regional and national level events to pray for the nation, to intercede for the nation.

Perhaps some of you participated in The Call, which took place in various cities in the US about 3, 4 years ago and had tremendous resonance in this nation.

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