The attitude of a winner (Mark 7:24)

(Audio: Español, Inglés) ->Original

RESUMEN: The speaker talks about the importance of having a winning attitude in life, which is characterized by not settling for problems, surrounding oneself with superior people, and overcoming barriers. He uses the story of a woman who seeks Jesus to heal her daughter as an example of this attitude. The speaker also emphasizes the need to analyze situations in order to understand and overcome them. He concludes by referencing the story of Lance Armstrong, a famous cyclist who overcame cancer and won multiple Tour de France titles, as an example of a winning attitude.

The speaker discusses the story of a woman who had a winning attitude and was able to overcome her problems. He emphasizes the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive people, seeking the right help, and learning the language of success. He encourages listeners to challenge any problem and situation, knowing that God is bigger than any problem. He ends with a prayer for the listeners to have strength, hope, and a winning attitude.

Is God great for you? Is it really big? I don't hear them. is it really big? It is a pleasure to be in the midst of the people of God.

It's a nice time. Jesus Christ well said: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the middle". I believe that when we come together in the name of Jesus, the presence of Jesus is built in a special way, because Jesus Christ likes to be in the midst of his people and he has great things for each one of us.

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