He serves well those who serve him well

Charles SpurgeonWhat a promise is this! Serving God, in itself, is an exalted delight. But what an immense privilege it is that the blessing of the Lord rests upon us in all things! Our most common things become blessed when we ourselves are consecrated to the Lord. Our Lord Jesus took the bread and blessed it; behold, we also eat of the blessed bread. Jesus blessed the water and turned it into wine: the water we drink is far better for us than any wine that men celebrate with; each drop contains a blessing. Divine blessing is in the man of God in everything, and will remain with him at all times.
What does it matter if we only have bread and water! Well, it's about blessed bread and water. We will have bread and water. This is implicit, as they have to be there for the Lord to bless them. "Your bread will be given to you, and your waters will be safe." With God at our table, we not only ask for a blessing, but we have one. It is not only at the altar, but also at the table, that He blesses us. He serves well those who serve him well. This blessing on the table is not out of debt, but out of grace. Truly, there is a threefold grace: He grants us grace to serve Him, by His grace he feeds us with bread, and then in His grace He blesses it.
Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.