Freedom to do what?

Neil Anderson
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker discusses the concept of walking by the spirit and how it is not about living by the law or having a license to do whatever one pleases. He emphasizes that the spirit is not an "it" but a "he" and that walking by the spirit involves pulling on the oars of our boat and putting up the sail, being empowered by God and going where the wind takes us. The speaker also highlights the problems with legalism and how it is still present in society, as well as the limitations of living under the law. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of living in liberty, walking by faith according to what God says is true and finding sanctuary in Christ.

The speaker talks about how we need to rely on God and not try to do everything on our own or just sit and wait for God to do everything. He uses the analogy of a yoke with two oxen, where one is experienced and the other is young and needs to learn from the older one. He also talks about being led by the Spirit and not pushed or lured away by others. He encourages us to walk with Jesus and rely on the Holy Spirit every day. The speaker ends with a prayer for blessings on his life and ministry.

It’s a joy being back here again. I was here for a year in the Navy in 1963, it was the worst year of my life. But this is then a good visit. I could just sense the love and the good spirit in this church, I think it has something to do with this man and his wife.

Few years ago we had George Barna research some questions about legalism and we were surprised at what we heard. Legalism is alive and well in this country. Not necessarily that it’s taught but it’s still how a lot of people relate to God. tell me what’s right and tell me what’s wrong, I’ll try to do what’s right and scold me when I’m wrong. But you don’t want to live by the law, because the law kills but the spirit….. In a lot of ways I think people would prefer to live by the law but you’re robbing yourself from the freedom of Christ, and I see what our church does in response to all the problems in our culture. People are taking drugs, so we preach against that; and alcohol, we preach against that. And we preach against divorce and we quote out of the Old Testament, God hates divorce, that’s true, but so does the divorcee. I wish you never forget that, but how is that working, it never has worked, it never will work.

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