Reprogram your brain!

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

: Believe in the Lord and expect good things from Him. Take an X-ray of your thoughts and expectations and reprogram your brain with positive thoughts and Bible readings. As you believe in your spirit, so will be the things that come into your life. If you expect great things from the Lord, great things will come into your life. God can change your marriage, children, finances, health, and provide solutions to your problems if you do your part and believe in Him.

A sister told me the other day how she feels that God has been strengthening her in recent months, and how she has grown in her faith. He told me that his mentality has changed. He told me that he had suffered several losses in the past, and added: “I allowed the crises of life to take away my faith and my joy in the Lord , but I am recovering ”, he said to myself,“ I am growing and I am trusting more in the Lord, and I dare to expect great and good things from Him ”.

And my advice to her was that: "Sister, believe in the Lord, believe that God is with you, believe that God has good things for you." According to your ability to believe, so will your life be. According to your faith, so will be the result you get.

"Reprogram your brain!":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
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