
Carmen Ray-Calvo
Carmen Ray-Calvo

SUMMARY: Interruptions are unexpected events that can change our plans. In the Bible, we see examples of people facing interruptions and responding in different ways. When faced with interruptions, we should not blame God, but trust in His plan and remember that all things work together for good. Our help is in the loving hands of God, who made us with a divine purpose.

The word 'interruption' means the suspension or interruption of the course of succession of events or of the casual nexus that determines them. It is vitally important to ask ourselves what would be our attitude when what we do not expect happens? And we are suddenly faced with a completely opposite situation.

Paul and Silas leave for Macedonia in order to help a Macedonian man whom Paul saw in a vision, begging him to help him. Assuming that God was calling them to preach the gospel to them. They embark on their missionary journey with the purpose of announcing the words of the kingdom.

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